What to Expect from Your Birth Doula

I will be your birth shirpa… your personal guide through new terrain. Asking your partner to be your sole guide through labor is like asking them to lead the way on a climb of Mt Everest. They may be smart and trustworthy, you may love them, but in the Himalayas you’d BOTH be a lot better off with a sherpa! (Pam England) It's the same thing with a doula. You know your body and your priorities. Your partner (if you have one) knows you. Doulas know birth. Your nurse, midwife and doctor will be in and out. You can't predict who'll be there on the day your labor begins. Shifts will likely change during the course of your labor, bringing new faces and attitudes onto the scene. A doula is steady and familiar, and will provide you with continuous support for the long haul.

Physical support.

I will help you remain as physically comfortable as possible throughout your birth. This might include hands-on massage, heat or cold in just the right spot, suggestions on when and how to use the bath in labor, ideas for position changes, and techniques to help bring your baby down and out. As your doula I am always thinking about how to help you be as physically comfortable as possible, whether it's a natural birth or if you choose medication.

Emotional support.

As your doula I am the person on your team who is always thinking about your emotional experience and wellbeing. Your medical staff's attention will stay focused on the health and safety of you and your baby. Even if things get complicated, I will remain focused on helping you stay positive and centered, providing constant nurturing and support.

Information and advocacy.

A doula doesn't replace great childbirth education, but I can connect you with evidence-based information and resources to help you prepare. When you're in labor, I'll encourage you to ask questions about what's happening, and will give you a heads up when things might be straying from your plan. As your doula, I will support you as you advocate for yourself. Your voice matters in your birth, and I’ll empower you to use it.

Partner support.

I will not replace your partner. I support partners by helping them be great support for you. I'll help them find just the right way to rub your back, or I'll whisper a suggestion when the time is right. I will provide information and reassurances about what's happening in labor, or just keep everything running smoothly around you, so you two can keep working together. If it's a long birth, partners really appreciate a doula to trade off labor support. And sometimes, you just might need one person rubbing your back and another one helping you with your breath. I will make sure your partner is fed and hydrated, and that they can get a little sleep if it's a long journey. I will be your partner’s wing (wo)man for one of the most important missions of thier life!

Focus on your most important goals.

As your doula I will learn your heart. You and I will spend a lot of time connecting before your baby is born, and therefore, I will go into your birth ready to do everything I can to make this a positive experience as you welcome your baby. I will remember your preferences and wishes, your likes and dislikes, your priorities and hopes for your personal birthing experience, and those special somethings that will help you feel calm and connected.

Research tells us that people remember their births in great detail, for their whole lives. This will be a formative memory, and it's your start in parenting. However things unfold (exactly according to plan, or totally unexpected), I’m focused on helping you have your best birth.


Postpartum Doula - Your Modern Day Village